i want to write poetry

Creative Commons License


Norton Hodges said...

I think this is an excellent poem; very well-crafted. thanks for your comments on my blog and gmail by the way, much appreciated.

Calliopia said...

Ah, concrete poetry. Lovely. May I take a printout of this to stick up on the board at work?

feddabonn said...

my standard copyright notice:

All work on this site (words/pictures) is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike license. In English, that means that you can

1) copy, distribute and transmit the work and
2) remix and adapt the the work as necessary

as long as you also

1) let people know that this is my work (or adapted from my work)
2) do not try to make money from my work (if you have a bright idea that can make us both money, please call/write)
3) release any derivative work under a Creative Commons license.

sure, :) print it out!

having said that, am not sure this was a very good shot at concrete poetry. thought that was where i was trying to go...