3 small stuffed toys, preferably from McDonald's, but Disney will do
1 noose, pre-prepared
1 sachet of ketchup, from any fast food joint
1 knife, sharp
1 pre-dawn darkness, with streetlight attachment to work by
Prepare the noose beforehand. Hang each toy by the neck till dead, 15 minutes, or till you get bored whichever is sooner. Bring the body down from the noose,and lay down on chosen workspace. Find the main stitch (usually the back or the belly) and proceed to cut open. start with the back/belly, open up the legs, then end with the head/jaw. Appropriately add ketchup (or not) as desired. Remove stuffing and keep aside. Repeat for all the three. Mix in remaining ketchup with skin or stuffing, according to taste. Sell the results on eBay/trademe, as preferred. Donate all money raised to Ronald McDonald House Charities or the Walt Disney Company Foundation.
Why did I do this? (Pick one)
a. To highlight the hypocritical bloodthirst of a civilisation that eats meat but shrinks from knowing how and where that meat comes from
b. To resist a worldview swamped by the cute and purveyors of the cute
c. As a pathetic attempt at registering some sort of pseudo-symbolic protest against how corporations such as McDonalds and Disney are taking over this planet, particularly our food and our imagination
d. Because I am a really twisted bastard
e. As a cheap stunt to increase my blog hits
f. All of the above
g. None of the above
Chp 908. Reunion venue!
1 day ago
by the way one of things my father insisted even when we were kids was that we'd have to go with him to visit the butcher.
and yes, we were exposed to a lot of blood letting.
the idea was - if you are going to eat the flesh of animals you might as well understand and take responsibility for it.
strangely enough, it has not turned me into blood thirsty psychopath.
i think it is those who have never seen killing, who have seen blood being shed, who are the most callous with life, human or otherwise.
it is alright to sit in the air conditioned comfort of your drawing room and discuss newspaper headlines - 76 police personnel killed. 25 terrorists gunned down. 55 people starve to death. 37 farmers commit suicide.
it is only those who are aware of the reality of death can understand the significance of these statistics.
by the way hanging soft toys to death was something i used to love doing. maybe i am a psychopath after all.
tht was nasty. :( in spite of the underlying cause...
i agree with Doe's dad abt the butcher visit..
@JD: i remember my grandad telling us "you dare eat it, but you don't dare kill it" after we'd all passed on a chance to kill a chicken for dinner. i agree with your father- we need to take responsibility for what we eat.
i'm not as sure about "those who have never seen killing... are the most callous with life". i know a few people who *have seen a lot of killing and are callous, as well as those who haven't seen much killing and are not callous. i remember a 12 year old jain boy asking me if i ever felt sorry for the animals i ate.
@gauri: i must agree. it wasn't easy doing this, actually, and i was rather spooked after a point. i just hope this gets some of us thinking about our choices though.
My dear feddabonn,
I'm coming back to your blog after ages. But I am happy with your effort at resisting these food companies. I do not know if it will work, though.
But I am sure the process of thinking up forms of resistance will make you stronger for the difficult days that are around the corner.
Peace and love,
- Joe.
My daughter saw a chicken being killed as a kid and never ate non veg again, so I think your dad was right - we should take responsibility for what we eat.
I feel the purpose of any protest should be show our side of the story, and maybe make the other person see our point of view... we should try not to show anger - that may not help the cause...
@joe: good to have you back sir! while there is a certain element of resisting the food companies, i think this is more a reminder to myself- do i take responsibility for what i eat, for the life i so easily take?
@IHM: i have not had the moral courage to go off meat, (usually mass produced meat produced in excessively cruel conditions) but have a lot of respect for people like your daughter who have. hats off to her.
'protest' was only one of a bunch of possible reasons for doing this. and there was no anger involved at all, just a morbid sense of humour. :)
Fed, I like the way you've portrayed the animals, but here's my 2 cents. I have been an assistant in many a murder of animals and birds, mainly because we want to eat the meat. It's the circle of life. We eat its meat because we can. For that matter, I don't take vegans seriously. NOI.
But striking an animal in anger or entertainment is something which I completely dislike. A butcher kills his herd cos' he has to make a living, not because his hatred compels him to kill the damn thing. I've never laid a hand on my pets unless they make the first move, esp. when they're angry. Sometimes, I understand and simply back off.
I love animals, I've always had at least 2 dogs at home since as far as I can remember. I've shed a tear when mom sold our pig, I'm sure she did too. I hate the cock-fighting, dog-fighting and what-not!
But I will always be a non-veg, does that make me the bad guy? I don't care!
Havta agree with Black there. Am not much of a meat lover, but that's because I have 'underdeveloped' taste buds (or so they tell me). But I'm not a huge fan of vegans either, or at least the ones who are fanatic about it.
And now there are those food groupies who claim that its also wrong to eat vegs and fruits because they are intelligent living beings too... what should we eat then?
Am not advocating cruelty to animals, but rather, "you should never take more than you give, in the circle of life"
@blackest: i'm afraid you misread me. i do not believe in the easy division of bad guy/good guy, whether on the basis of food choices, political choices, religious choices...ANY choices. bad guy/good guy is for silly movies and stupid presidents, not life.
i do not think it is *wrong to eat meat. humans are omnivores, and i can live with that. what i do have a problem with, though, is that we have *removed ourselves from the circle...we do not kill, but we eat. there is less respect for life, less respect for the fact that that meat curry used to be someone living, less thankfulness. meat is just something that comes on a supermarket shelf. and that attitude i have a problem with.
@shuakshuali: (sorta continuing from response to black) i cannot ask anyone else to follow a food choice i make, whether vegeterian/meat/vegan. you (and i) are welcome to eat meat, you (and i) are welcome to be vegan. i dislike many of the attack tactics used by vegans/vegeterians on meat-eaters, i also dislike how meat-eaters try and convince vegeterians to eat meat, saying it is 'better'. sadly, i have done the latter, and repent of it.
but i *must say, guys, thanks for leaving disagreeing (is that a word?) comments!
Kia ora Feddabonn,
This is good stuff. I used to be a hunter, though no more, and I took a lot of pride in providing meat for myself and the whole process involved in this. In my mountain travels I have found our increasingly technocratic system has invaded there as well. Helicopters now offer instant access to "hunters" whom have no feel for the land, thus little respect, and the damage being done to many of our remaining places in terms of rubbish left behind, and mistreatment of the wild becomes more and more apparent. The land becomes less and less a place of nuture and harvest, than just harvest. This is wrong. Sorry, a bit off the subject, but great topic.
kia ora robb, good to have you back, and feeling better. i like @ "The land becomes less and less a place of nuture and harvest, than just harvest." my thoughts exactly.
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